'Whalebone' -  Theater show

Interning under Jens Altheimer
2021 - 2022
Blender / Procreate IOS / Adobe Creative Cloud

Whalebone is a family theatre show directed and created by Jens Altheimer. The show combined computer animations, mechanical contraptions, and circus theatrics. My responsibilities were to create animations, graphics and illustrations for the show. Other responsibilities included being a tech hand during rehearsals.

Jens Altheimer's website can be found here: http://www.jensaltheimer.com

'Whalebone Poster' -  Graphic Poster

2021 - 2022
Adobe Illustrator/ Adobe Photoshop

Final Hero Poster

Banner Variant


'Whalebone: LaMP Memory' -  Animation

2021 - 2022
Adobe Illustrator/ Blender/ Adobe AfterEffects

Midway through Whalebone, the audience is shown the memories of a disused lamp. This lamp's story combines stop motion animation (created by Jens Altheimer), as well as 3D and 2D animations and assets created by myself.

The video was storyboarded by Altheimer and then animated and edited myself. 

Concept Material 

2021 - 2022
Adobe Illustrator/ Blender / After Effects

Not all concepts made it into Whalebone. Below are various tests and concepts made during the development of the show.